Sunday, June 03, 2007

Too much going on... ( Part VI )

Time line moves to the end of the Fall semester. Because I screwed up my first exam in Statistics class, I received my first non-A grade. Besides that, I did pretty good in the classes; especially I worked as well. This was my first experience. Now I understand how hard it is to work and go to school simultaneously, and still maintain good academic standing.

Christmas season is one of the busiest seasons for department stores, meaning a lot of money going out from everyone's pocket, including myself. After a stressful semester, there was nothing better than shopping; especially when everything was on sale. Shopping is happy; paying is NOT. The two small bags cost me more than $300. If you have a full time job, it may not seem to be a big deal to you. However, don't forget I was an intern earning my income counting by hours.

When talking about pressure, I remember a case of my friend. She spent $900 on beauty products when she was stressed out due to the job tasks. She regretted later on. I told her she could have given the money to me instead. Have you have the similar experience?

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