Sunday, June 17, 2007

The end of internship

May 14th of 2007 was my last day of internship at NYC Dept. of SBS. Carolyn, left, and Colleen, right, gave me a gift, which is lovely, when my internship ended. Both of them really support me during my internship. I appreciate that they recognize the worth of me in the unit as well as the opportunity they gave me to show what I am capable of. During the 6 months period, I built a system that allows my unit to collect data and generate reports easily, quickly, and correctly. I not only applied what I have learned in school to the project I worked on, but also learned a lot myself while working on the project. It was a great experience, and more excitingly I am working in SBS as a full time employee now. Special thanks to my both supervisors. Without your support, I wouldn't have been here.

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