Thursday, June 21, 2007

Thanks for coming...

May 23rd of 2007 was the day of my commencement. Seven of you came to Radio City Music Hall to cheer me up and to be the witnesses of an important accomplishment in my life. It has been three years since I came here. During the period of time, I set up my goals and worked very hard to achieve them. However, only hard working is not enough. The finical support, which allowed me to study without worrying about the student loan, from my family was the other factor in my success of obtaining the M.S. degree. I am proud that I have reached an significant milestone in my life.

Finally, I would like to say thank you to those who attended my graduation: Kenneth, Allen, Yen, Angela, Colleen, Carolyn and the other Angela, and those who were unable to come: Heather, Don, Wakko, Mom, and Dad.

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