Monday, July 02, 2007

After a month working

Time is flying; time is a thief, Emily added. In the last month, a lot of things have changed. I became a full time city employee, moved to Astoria, went to a church the very first time in my life, waited several hours for a photo shoot, attended SBS agency picnic, and got depressed a lot as well.

Fortunately, my two friends - Yen and Angela - are always be with me during my depression period. Perhaps they didn't discover my depression till I told them yesterday. Apparently I seem to be a normal me, but I can't be happy from inside; I feel so lost...

Emily recommended me to go to a church for experience long time ago, but because I am a atheist, I didn't feel want to go. Since I didn't want to go home right after work, I went to a church with the two friends last week. The church is different from what I usually see on TV or movies. Yen told me it is because before it became a church, it was a theater. As I observed the service and the songs they were singing, I came up a conclusion: they are really passion for in what they believe. It is also quite amazing that the songs with simple lyrics, and even just repeating, can bring all the believers' heart together. The power of religion is really strong no matter which one. However, I only believe in myself.

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