Wednesday, July 18, 2007

About Emily

Emily has always been one of the important persons in my life. Even though we didn't communicate so often in the past years, I have never forgotten her besides her phone number and address. LOL~ I didn't mean it; it's just because I lost my address file. From the recent chats, I kind of figure out there are some misunderstandings between us...

When I heard that you were going abroad to study, the first thing came up to my mind was she was leaving me and I was totally shocked. At that moment, I didn't think I would study abroad someday as well. Indeed, I am the one who is working in the U.S. now. On the other hand, you said I was the one who didn't contact at all after I went to Tainan. I was afraid to contact you because I wasn't sure about your feeling, and also we never talked about our relationship. (Doesn't the concern you have take the biggest part of this? Only you care about it personally~)

If I were not the President of the graduating students association, I wouldn't know you; if you didn't accompany (well, kind of force) me to study in the library, I might not get in that school; if without you, I might not be here now.

You always only show the strong side of you in front of me; your profession make me admire you; you are very organized and clever; and most importantly, you care about me. But it's time to rely on me when you need help because I am no longer a kid. I worry about that you are there alone. Although you have Ema around, but sometimes it doesn't help. Since I am here alone, I understand this kind of feeling. Sometimes I really need a person to talk, someone like you.

You said, it is a pleasure to talk to me about the recent life and the past. I wanna tell you same here. And I really miss you. I will be waiting for your and Ema's coming.

By the way, I had my hair cut yesterday.

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