Sunday, November 11, 2007

Mets Game

I am a Yankees fan because of Chien-Ming Wang, of course. Therefore, I had never been to any Mets game before that night. The reason that I went to the Mets game was because I got free tickets, and I invited Michael, who is a Mets fan, and his girlfriend to join me.

In terms of style, Mets stadium is quite different from Yankees. While watching Yankees game is all about those stars, Mets game is more fun to watch. They gave out T-shirt, which made people all crazy about. It's not because the T-shirts are expensive, but fun, you know. Also they sang a song that every Mets fan could sing during the short break at 7th inning. It was so fun. I couldn't join though. Maybe next time I will be able to sing the song when I go to Mets game.

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