Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Too much going on... ( Part I )

It has been a very long time since last time I posted. In the past 9 months, there are a lot of things going on in my life. Last summer I got my first intern in ITC. It is a small company doing electronic component business. Due to the size of the firm, I was assigned to be a project coordinator and to lead a team in China. It was a great experience for me because I was able to practice what I have learned in school in a real world and prepare myself for my career. In those two months, it was quite common that I had to work even after I got home. I usually got phone calls from the China branch for the assignments that I assigned to. They were nice people and respected me. However, sometimes I felt annoyed with their phone calls, and they left me no choice; I must either pick up the phone call or call them back if I missed. Otherwise, I would see something that wasn't exactly what I asked for. I don't mean they are really that bad, well, sometimes I felt so. I think it also has something to do with the culture. They just didn't get what we were doing here, and I had to explain in details, which drove me crazy. On the other hand, I felt they relied on me a lot, which is not a bad thing, I think. Maybe I should say I like that feeling - to be relied on. Why? I guess it must be one of my characteristics - responsibility.

My first suite

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