Thursday, December 22, 2005

The last month of this year is a nightmare

This December is a tough month to me. I worked so hard to overcome it. Meanwhile, I also took some of my very important time to write Christmas cards to you. Here is my schedule of this very busy month.

12/1 ~ 12/4 - Did Information Security (IS) take home final exam.

12/5 ~ 12/7 - Prepared for Information Systems Design and Development (ISDD) final exam.

12/8 - ISDD Final Exam.

12/9 ~ 12/13 - Wrote a program with basal interface for my project, finished the project paper, and prepared a presentation for ISDD.

12/14 - Kept writing the project paper for IS.

12/15 - Presentation Day of ISDD

12/16 ~ 12/17 - Finished Business Telecommunication (BT) take home final exam.

12/18 ~ 12/20 - Finished the project paper and prepared a presentation for IS.

12/21 - Presentation Day of IS.

12/22 - Class canceled due to the NYC Transit Strike.

Finally, my first academic year finished. This semester was fun and busy. I have registered for next semester. I hope I will not be as busy as this semester, but it will never be true, I know it! I will keep working hard, and also please come here to check my lastest news when you have time.

In addition, there is someone I really appreciate; without this person, I cannot image how I could work this out. This person is Wakko. Thank you very much. Thanks for your support, for your patience, and for everything you have done for me.

Presenting at classroom for ISDD

Posters for IS

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