Sunday, August 13, 2006

White House

Due to the tragedy on 9/11/2001, the security in Washington, D.C. has become very strict. The police looked at our movement every single minute. The tour guide said we could take picture with the police before, but not now. If you go close to them, they will stop you and warn you against going any closer. I don't understand why the terrorists have been making the world nervous. Last week, there was another boom found before the airplane took off. If the bomb was not found, I think I won't sit here and peacefully writing my blog. I hope that terroristic attacks will disappear in the world someday.

Who is the King

Who is the King? I am the King! See how many kings I have. There are many fast food store, but I like Burger King the most. Whenever I go to watch movies, I always buy my lunch in Burger King. However, it is not good to eat too much. I think you know why there are a lot of BIG people in America - FAST FOOD.

Annapolis, MD

The United State Naval Academy is in Annapolis, MD. While on the way to Washington, D.C., we stop by Annapolis and took Harbor Queen, a ferry, to sightsee the naval school. This school is very beautiful. I wish I could go inside and take some pictures. This navy stuff makes me recall my army life. One, Two, One, Two, One, Two ......

First Time

March 25 was my first time to wear LBJ III. I remember I shot many three-point shoots. This shoes really hepled. (I know it is just my self-satisfaction.) Before I met those PACE University Taiwanese students who play basketball, I had played basketball for a long time, probably 10 months. I haven't played basketball since March 26. It has been a while again. Life is so busy. Right now I work from Monday to Friday. I deeply feel what kind of life is busy. Everyday I wake up in the morning and come back in the night. After dinner, it is almost about time to take a rest. Sometimes I don't want to go out on the weekend; I just want to stay at home and relax my mind and body. I believe some of you will agree with me.

NBA Tank - Shaquille O'neal

Can you see how big O'neal's hand is? I think my hand is only a half of his. I took Allen to walk around NYC, and the NBA store is the one he absolutely wanted to visit. Although I have been here several times, I didn't take any picture here before. There are several NBA stars' hand models, such as Tim Duncan, Vince Carter, Jason Kidd, and Tracy McGrady.