Sunday, July 17, 2005

Shopping fun ~

Shopping was really fun, especially when I spent the money which is not mine. I was really like a tourist; I was carrying all the bags and walking around in Manhatten. Even though I was exhausted, I was really happy. Thank you for all of you, Gina, Lucy, Ivy, Carile and Yin.

Godiva - The dream of the chocolate

各位觀眾, 傳說中的夢幻巧克力現身了! Godiva和一般的巧克力看起來沒什麼兩樣, 尤其是從左邊數來第二顆, 根本就是金莎嘛, 但是一顆卻要價 NT 55 元, 你相信嗎? 如此昂貴巧克力, 經過本人親身體驗之後, 只有二個字能形容 --- 極貴! 雖然好吃, 但是還是貴的嚇人!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Creative SBS 350

I bought a set of speaker last week. The bass is very strong; I love it! Now I no longer have to bear the samll speaker in my laptop even though my laptop's speaker is good!!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


煙花, 是一項令人又愛又恨的東西. 愛的是它的炫麗, 恨的是它的短暫與無法保留. 若你錄下當時的煙花, 再看之時, 雖然再也無法感受到當時的震撼, 但你依舊能感受到那股感動的暖流在你的心中流動. 這就好像是朋友一樣, 人的一生之中有很多的朋友, 有些朋友你一年之後就會忘了, 有些卻會是你一輩子的朋友. 真正的朋友不應該是曇花一現的, 而是在多年後, 當你想起他, 腦海中仍會有你和他一起渡過的時光. 想想你身旁是否有這樣的朋友呢? 幸運地, 我有!

Regret at the fireworks

I met Jane, my friend, in the subway station when I was on the way to home. Same as me, she went to watch the fireworks, but she chose a wrong place where she couldn't see well. She regretted that she didn't go with me. However, she also told me something making me feel regretful. I didn't know that there was music playing for the fireworks in the radio. Next year, I won't forget to take my MP3 player.

Independence Day

The first shot of the fireworks in NYC.


集椰子, 芒果, 和芋頭三種口感於一身的三色糕還真不錯吃, 改天你們有來紐約, 我一定帶你們去吃, 不過, 錢也要多帶一點來唷!


人在異鄉, 沒有什麼比吃到家鄉料理更令人歡喜的了. 話說飲茶, 我們四個人去吃, 喝了三壼茶, 吃了快兩個小時, 一個人只花$8元, 沒有什麼事比特價能令我更高興的了! (唯一例外是有人請客)